Saturday, December 20, 2008
I understood that I was going to need His help when preparing to do his work and it’s a life long goal that I’ll never forget setting because it was a joyful moment for him to see that I did everything in my capacity to ready myself for such a once….I say once in an eternity opportunity a mission as an Elder and have the same title as a General Authority.
A small quote I would like to pull from a talk back in 1974 from President Kimball, he states, “Every boy should have been saving money for his mission and be free from any and all entanglements so he will be worthy. When he is returned from his mission at 21, he should feel free to begin to get acquainted and to date. When he has found the right young woman, there should be a proper temple marriage. One can have all the blessings if he is in control and takes the experiences in proper turn: first some limited social get-acquainted contacts, then his mission, then his courting, then his temple marriage and his schooling and his family, then his life’s work. In any other sequence he could run into difficulty.”
I can’t help but to plan my life accordingly as He would have me do so. As I pray to Him and talk to Him as if He were standing in front of me, I see that my relationship, friendship and stewardship seamlessly grow rapidly as I see His work in my prayerful consideration to accompany my desires to into His will by bearing His burden which is spoken in Moses 1:39, for if I am not lifting His burden thru missionary work, I’m at fault for not upholding my baptismal covenants I made at the age of 8.
So, upon making my goals, I list the pro’s and con’s of each goal. After I have done that, and have weighed out my decision, I then take it to Him in mighty prayer, which is proceeded by countless hours of ruminating and musing to ensure that I’ve done all that I can do, so that I may receive revelation from Him and know that I’m doing what is right and that He agrees with me.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I'm a Democrat because I'm a Mormon
The LDS Church's official position has long been one of political neutrality, endorsing neither major political party. When the church takes one of its rare official political stances, it is always on a particular issue and should not be misconstrued as support of one party or one political ideology. Mormon leaders constantly encourage all followers, regardless of party, to become involved in politics, vote and run for office when possible. Yet many believe that to be LDS, you have to be Republican. It's just not true-if anything, the Democratic Party more closely adheres to basic Christian values.
Obviously, individual Mormons hold different views about the same beliefs, just as members of the Democratic Party take a wide variety of positions. But many elements of liberal politics are principles central to the gospel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: social welfare, the environment, the role of government, the balance between business and the community. I'm not a Democrat in spite of my religion-I'm a Democrat because of my religion.
A core principle of most religions is a basic sense of compassion for the poor. In fact, most religions view poverty as a symbol of humility and strength, while wealth is seen as a moral failing vice that brings pride and unrighteousness. Yet many on the far right treat the poor as lazy, regarding wealth as a sign of character. Mormons are counseled to work toward a society in which "there are no poor among us." Democrats make social assistance a priority in a way that other parties do not. In many ways, liberals see the government as a useful tool that, when used correctly, can improve life for everyone.
One reason many people assume Mormons must be conservative may be so-called moral issues, like abortion or same-sex marriage. But Joseph Smith taught that matters of conscience should not be regulated but instead, taught through principle by example, letting others choose whether to follow. To me, such issues become peripheral when I examine basic ideological differences about the role of government-to create opportunity and help everyone succeed.
The LDS religion teaches of a basic human responsibility to help and lift others in righteousness and knowledge. It, therefore, makes sense to support a political party that makes social programs a priority. A government that fails to provide for its weakest members is not only destined for failure-it's morally depraved.
Conservatives often maintain that anyone willing to work hard should be able to earn a decent living. But economically, the playing field has never been level. In fact, Mormon scripture emphasizes that worldly goods are gifts from God because of his generosity, not our entitlement. Consequently, my religious views teach me that I have an inherent duty to give to people around me-everything I have is not mine at all, but a gift given to share.
The United States can have a healthy economy without deserting the less fortunate, such as the sick, the poor, the elderly and the homeless. Perpetual handouts are not the answer, but there are countless underprivileged Americans who need help with everything from job training to child care to adequate health-care coverage.
Many conservatives claim social programs are inefficient, and they are right to want to curb waste. Waste can be reduced without deserting social responsibility. It's important to remember the point: we're here to help each other. One of Christ's most basic messages was about giving without thought of reward. It follows that many Christians would feel a sense of social responsibility to give for the collective good.
The most basic of religious principles is that individuals have a responsibility to take care of themselves and a responsibility to help others. Many conservatives have bizarrely distorted self reliance into selfishness, maintaining that you are only responsible for yourself. As a Mormon, it's frightening to see selfishness treated as a virtue-I believe we can take care of ourselves without abandoning those around us.
Republicans are often anti government and pro-business, which makes sense in moderation. Obviously, excessive government power must be curbed and reasonable economic growth should be encouraged. But the LDS Church has a long tradition of strength in community-Mormons know the power that comes when a committed group of people works together to lift the less fortunate. To view money or economic development as the ultimate aim of every political undertaking is grossly misguided-the mission of life and of government is much larger than that. Religion involves a basic sense of decency and social liberals adhering to the belief that it's more important to lend a helping hand than to be rich.
Another basic LDS belief is that as humans, we are stewards over the earth with a responsibility to guard and tend. From a religious perspective, it follows that we should do what we can to preserve the earth instead of exploit it. Typically, Republicans are against environmental regulations because they worry laws could hinder industry. But if I believe the earth is a sacred creation that I'm responsible to look after, it makes sense that preserving its glory would be a higher priority than shortsighted economic development.
Economically, liberals have a more balanced plan for the country than the conservative free-market-fixes-all approach. In his book, Approaching Zion, Hugh Nibley discusses how many Republicans view an ideal economy as purely capitalist, a survival of the fittest in which anything goes. In such a system, the weak, the frail, the sick and the poor will rightfully die off because they will not have the strength to flourish-a remarkable contrast to the parable of Christ seeking after one lost sheep.
Obviously, all views of Mormonism don't match up with all views of the Democratic Party. In fact, I commend the LDS Church's neutral stance that individuals should study the issues, make their own political decisions and act accordingly. Neither party will complement any church on every issue. Yet I see many liberal views directly in line with LDS principles.
I'm a Democrat because I'm a Mormon and I believe in loving our neighbors and in helping the less fortunate. I believe in a wise, balanced stewardship of the earth and that I have a responsibility to share what I have with others. I believe government can be a powerful tool for good and we can be self reliant without being selfish. To be liberal and Mormon is not only possible,it's practical, it's compassionate and it's principled.
I really don't think that this lady could have put it any other better way. I've been ridiculed for the same choice but I think she has explained it better than anyone else I've ever go Sister.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
no love,
no time,
no fate,
no cure,
no predestined,
no talk,
not even for you.
No comment,
no path,
no look,
no right,
no connection,
no feeling,
no date,
not even for you.
No ken,
no heart,
no intention,
no trust,
no desire,
no hope,
no confidence,
not even for you.
No thought,
no chance,
no opportunity,
no risk,
no support
no luck,
Not even for You Trevor.
Lost causes and false dreams are only the initiation of what I wrap myself around. Are my expectations really exceeding that which I find to bring me happiness and joy? But I can't even find that. Figure 8's and short oval tracks are what I find myself running on....far too often...why don't they have pitstops?
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Did You or I..... say this?
Now it shouldn't matter whether I said this to someone, or it was said to me or that it was even said...All I can express is there is pain out there somewhere. And if amends should be made, let it so be.
We cannot escape from this chaotic world nor can we run from it. But the beauty we can all learn from it, is that it's a time of learning, teaching, exploring and most of all....preparing. Encounters that we find ourselves in happen so often for hundreds of unknown reasons, except....for the one purpose in which we were supposed to be taught. I don't care what pond I'm in, why I'm there or what the effect it...all I care about is whether I made my decision to drop into the place I was called so that the ripple affect my be initiated and that it may take effect for the purposed intented by the Master.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The innocence’s of a child
I had a run today for work and I found myself stuck behind, what I would have guessed was a 6 or 7 year old little girl walking on the dirt road. Down in Salt Lake, I had to make a drop off and when I was finished, I had to go the way I came in. She was walking ever so softly on top of the peaks once created by the fissures of a duly tire. I didn’t mind one bit as she took step after step, smashing down what she could with her size 7 shoes. I had no doubt she was telling a story or singing a tune but for that moment, I had laid my eyes of a pure creation of God’s handy work. This moment in my life had no time to it, nor was it rushed. I pleasantly kept my foot lightly applied to the brake as to follower her at the same pace her little heart beat was drumming to. As I rounded the corner, she then noticed that I had been following her in this ginormus 24 ft box truck, and to her dismay, she happily smiled and went on her way.
Finding myself next on the freeway, I start to inch past this school bus. At the pace I was headed, I couldn’t help but to pull funny faces and play with the children only feet away but yet, in two separate vehicles. The little boy smiled and waved as I made a funny face. Children these days…….
My other experience I’ll leave for the journal. What a blessing it is to be put in the right place at the right time to meet the right people to help them for the right reasons. Hopefully I’ll bring my new friend to church soon. Andy is Awesome!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
nothing new
Monday, August 4, 2008
1 Comment
For instance; Veracity - truthfulness, Salacious - lustful, Precatory - wishfull thinking or expressing a wish.
Now, I haven't the faintest idea of who this individual is and that's ok. For all I know, I could know them well and they know me, or on the flipside, they haven't ever met me and bless their heart, they return to my blog for enjoyment.
The moments that I wish to stretch myself in the very aspect of expounding my lexicon (vocabulary), I feel is the purpose of my writing. My sister even questioned my blog as she said, "Trevor, why don't you ever talk that way? You don't even know what they mean..." I took the time to educate her, she believed me that I knew what I was talking about. I have contemplated many a time that I should start another blog and conform those standards to the worlds take on speaking.
There is a guy that I work with that related a story to me concerning language. His brother's mind has become so tainted with vulgarity that every other word is f*** this and f*** that. I have witnessed this first hand with a friend of mind in middle school. I bet him he couldn't last 20 mins with out swearing. He lasted 4 1/2 mins. When the a** word slipped, with in 1 more second, the s*** and f*** words followed abruptly because that language to him was habitual. Honestly, what more beauty could you ask for when you find an english word that explains the feelings you can't explain?
Im grateful that someone not only takes the time to leave a comment for what I write but just to take the time to read I greatly appreciate. I guess this can be a turning point and maybe I'll leave my verbose writing for my journal...cause no one ever reads that. Also to the individual that left the comment, I've like to know who you are and if you wish not to tell, that's ok too.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I think not.
Tasting the sound of vibrant sentiments floating about really provides me the opportunity to vastly assist in an unknown atmosphere that I’m not quite yet assure of but yet, I completely know it’s the perfect simulation for further events to take place.
On a less likely to be taken serious note, what a challenge life events have brought forth to me in this stage of my life. I find myself in certain situations that in my mind could easily be precatory or even preparatory. I would hope that it’s in my favor and I’m not going to let a doubt precede my character, for it is supernal and ethereal. Recent happenings in my life tend to be both a chance to learn or to teach and given that blessing in both aspects, there isn’t more I could ask for right now. Solidifying exactness in His will places a sure testimony that I’m reckoned in precision placement. Being able to clearly understand that this has been a quest of it’s own but fulfilling through His eyes, purely gives me the undergoing of a pristine growth.
It’s not too often that I’m granted a chance that I feel I have control over. Seeing that I have been given an assignment to have a greater stewardship over certain individuals, this is the time I see for the work of the Lord to shine as men step up to do their best. Granted, at times they will talk with levity or jokingly but really, what an awesome learning experience it can turn out to be for those around him and also the best for himself. When right intentions are understood, great knowledge comes into play, but if it’s looked past with ease, the lesson to be learned has been forfeited. Someone that is in everyone’s life is there for a reason, what do you think?
Chance…. I think not.
Monday, July 21, 2008
My Ineffablity
I’m miss understood
No one really sees me
As they really should
Not a moment went by
That I thought in my mind
So many people around
A sore eye and blind
I keep pushing forward
All the ways that I know
But even that itself
Will never make it flow
Reacting the moment
Knowing who I am
Another kick to the face
And with gravity a slam
The past is gone
And the moment I cry
Really makes me wonder
Could this mean goodbye?
It happened so quick
I’m miss understood
No one really sees me
As they really should
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Sudden Changes.
Everyday will be a day of learning or a day of teaching........
What I learned today is that Heavenly Father is ever so mindful of each of his children. As I sat there with my foot on the brake pedal, I watch this lady in front of me shuffle vigorously for who knows what in her purse. I still sat there as the light turned green, watching her ruffle through her purse and then she takes her foot off the brake pedal 1.5 complete seconds after the light had turned green. Watching the mooting of this lady, I then saw God's hand in her life when all the sudden this little toyota pick-up runs right through the red light. No more than 12 inches of matter passed between these vehicles.
".....this dude is so set in his ways!" Benny replies. Trevor interuppts, "There is a word for that called ossified." "You're too smart to be here Trevor!" Eric exclaims.
All I asked was to fit in and be understood. Oft it feels I'm living in a notional world, but IT is too true be fictional. I may feel I am negligible at times, but, without a doubt, permentantly you will find me being mercurial.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Is it all gone?
betrayal : to lead astray
bereft : lacking something needed, wanted, or expected
irrevocable : not possible to revoke
"'ll never find these in them nor try to seek that they have done these actions, Me Dear." Congruency is always implicit. Binding factors to allocate any intentions to meliorate life's situations is the best thing one can do. Circumstances at hand will always remonstrate one to ponder for either a nano-second or for a season to only excuse time and proliferate a needed additional knowledge.
Experiences will no longer determine my expectations as they have in the past but will entice me to further my understanding of what it will take to defer my will and exhaust my wants to be in the right place at the right time for once. Drubbed excessively, reiteration banned.
A yt thnk thy msndrstd m.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Shadow of the Day.
I close both blinds and turn away
Sometimes solutions aren't so simple
Sometimes goodbye's the only way
And the sun will set for you
The sun will set for you
And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey
And the sun will set for you
In cards and flowers on your window
Your friends all plead for you to stay
Sometimes beginnings aren't so simple
Sometimes goodbye's the only way
And the sun will set for you
The sun will set for you
And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey
And the sun will set for you
And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey
And the sun will set for you
And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey
And the sun will set for you
Review about Shadow Of The Day
leaving Reviewer: person 12/15/2007
this song is definately about the concept of leaving, whether it be a place, a person or life. to me this song is about a person who has to start a new life (or the end of their life) and the sorrow that follows their departure. i cant help but think its about a relationship that had to end due to external circumstances (like one of the people having to move away etc). whatever the meaning its a very moving song.
Meaning Reviewer: Anonymous 12/7/2007
When i listen to this song, i definately get the feeling that he's singing about suicide, but not a sudden one, rather one that's been long and drawn out. I see a person suffering from depression before finally taking his or her own life. I think that's what he means by "sometimes goodbye's the only way". The person comitting suicide sees their death as the only way out. "The sun will set for you", i think, is a refrence to how the sunset is the end of the day, thus a sunset would be the end of their life. I think the line "sometimes solutions aren't so simple" is saying that the simple solution to depression is just take some medicine and don't feel sad anymore, but in reality, the illness isn't that simple to conquer. I get the idea that it wasn't this person's first attempt at suicide with "In cards and flowers on your window, your friends all plead with you to stay." However, no matter what the meaning of the song is, it's beautiful.
Shadow Of The Day preformed by Linkin Park Reviewer: Rad 8/26/2007
Well for you that didn't seem to understand the lyrics, this is how I see it.(I'll go mostly by ph. but sometimes line by line{ I'm going to put the chorus at the end})So this person the song is about seems sick or in the hospital, the singer had closed the blinds so it's only them, or because he feels so down that watching even just the sun out side would be to cheerful. So assuming the person is sick with something like cancer where they think they have a solution like sugery isn't always the best choice and now it means they may have to say goodbye.The sick person obviously has people who hope and pray that they will get better, thus them "asking them[you] to stay", but it's obvious that this person wont live so it's the begining of a new life without them and the singer must truely say goodbye.Chorus:The singer feels that this person is so special or so powerful that even the sun, which bows to no one(figuratively) will set just for them, as the shadows embrace the world mourning for this person.well that's just my opinion sorry it sounds kinda sappy but that's what I see it as.
As seen above, you notice that people have their ideas of songs and what they mean. To me, a song tells you something words can not. What does the day bring? The sun sets only to say that there is another day a head of you. I really think the song is unfinished and it's up to us to write the last line of that song.