Tuesday, June 26, 2007

ok ok I know

well it just looked cool!

Who would have known?

In cleft spaces, memories are forthcoming in which I hope erudition is obtained. When people are around me are deficient in contributing to fortifying their wonts, dissipation takes it’s place and comprehension of me, a Son of God, goes dormant and crawls right back into that cleavage.

The insensitive finite thoughts that render the source to enable an effect of actions are what cause the bypass of learning about a Soul. I feel like people do that so often to me. Just one of many times I’ll share. Having these sensations for this individual, I always persuaded myself to think that if I could just make things work, this could turn into something far greater than I could ever foresee. Holding close to the experiences and times that I spent with her, I’ll never replace them with meager selfishness thoughts of; what did I do wrong?

Times have since moved on and explanations are no longer elucidated. If the time comes for a conversation that leads to other movement in life, so be it. But as for myself, my decision has been made and I have had to move on due to time constrains and the desire of another being.

All of this thought process came because of a discussion. But the bottom line of the feelings I have is that I know and understand that I’m an elect Son of God…….
……Striving for 100%