Friday, April 20, 2007

Every day encounter....

Pros and cons of living at home take their toll. I for one wish I could move out and be on my own for awhile just to test out the wakes of life and to see how well I can handle it. I understand that when you move out, you're not only paying rent ( or payments), bills, food and the cost of living, but the very lucrative experience of living on your own and having 100% freedom in the everyday choices that you face. There isn't a day go by where some one questions what I'm doing, or what is being done to do what I should be doing. I understand completely the responsibilities that I have living under this roof that I'm thankful for but is there ever any give and take?
There are times that I strive to make the best of all things but often it takes a number and is emotionally sifting me often. There are the little things that keep my head above water and treading lightly, prayers and studies. But in a recent conversation I had with a close friend, the basics of scripture study and verbal prayers will not reach to the law of minimum/maximum. The law of minimum/maximum is the actions you live by in order to obtain revelation for yourself to know whether the spirit will corroborate your choices. Just like the importance of putting your calling before everything else while your single.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Basic Learning Curves

Just last night I had the opportunity to talk with one of my buddies about the situations in life and how it can help us become the people we are this very day and age!

The conversation started out in discussing how society controls the circumstances or views that girls think when it comes to a guy asking them out…

Me personally, I don’t have a problem just randomly walking up to a girl and asking her out if I’m in the right situation to ask her (such as a church activity or I can see that it’s in my favor to help the situation) then I’m all game, but when she is around her friends and she questions whether to say yes or no because of what her friends think, is where things get rough! As I ponder the very situations where I have become involved, it was all because the girls I approached have thought on their own, no outside help was granted. I personally am content with being single and will be until love unfolds, but the dating games and girls playing them are what get on my nerves. I just recently read a comment from a girl on myspace and she said that guys need to stop being jerks and to stop breaking girls hearts but does she understand that it is a two way street? Makes me wonder.

When it comes down to putting myself out there, there is a lot I’m willing to stake but yet getting tired of chasing transparent desires someone has put out there. I’m not one of much to speak of but when it comes to pushing the goal of striving for eternal progression, I can’t let anything get in the way, nor will I let anything stop it.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Being pushed up against the wall
Not being able to figure out why
People say it will be all ok

Sitting in one place that no one knows
And pondering what is really going on
People say it will be all ok

Understanding the cause of your purpose
To enlighten the path where the foot meets the road
People say it will be all ok

Being forgotten when the party is over
All because you were being yourself
People say it will all be ok

People say it will all be ok
And people still say it will be ok
But when they attempt to judge you because they've walked a mile in your shoes...........why should they care.......they have your shoes and are a mile away?

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.